Smart Contracts
BorrowerOperations: Manages all borrowing actions, from collateral handling to loan issuance.
FeeManager: Handles the logic around borrowing and redemption fees.
IOUPool: A vault for IOU tokens, designed for both standard and privacy-centric operations.
IOUToken: Represents debt obligations within Xloop.
LiquidationManager: Monitors and executes liquidations for under-collateralized positions.
OracleVerificator: Validates and verifies external data inputs.
PriceFeed: Supplies the platform with real-time pricing data.
XDCPool: Oversees the lifecycle of XDC tokens, from minting to redeeming.
RedemptionManager: Processes IOU to GMX, GLP or GM tokens redemption requests.
RewardManager: Oversees reward allocations during redistribution events.
SortedTroves: Organizes user positions by their collateral ratios.
StabilityPool: Acts as a buffer for liquidations, incentivizing IOU deposits with XLOOP tokens.
SystemManager: Monitors and tweaks system parameters as needed.
TroveManager: Central point for creating, altering, and liquidating user troves.
XDCManager: Manages the hyperparameters of minting and redeeming XDC tokens.
XDCPool: Handles the logic of minting and redeeming XDC tokens.
XloopStaking: Facilitates the staking of XLOOP governance tokens.
XloopRouter: Central hub coordinating functions across Xloop's ecosystem.
XloopTreasury: Handles internal financial operations, ensuring fluid fund management.
XDCToken: Acts as Xloop's primary stablecoin.
XLOOPToken: Embodies governance privileges and voting rights.
YieldManager: Deals with yield collecting and compounding for GMX and GLP tokens.
Last updated